Agency Basic


Queen Productions is a Full-Service Documentary Company Specializing in Social Reform that spotlights distressed areas in our society and identifies and gives voice to those having no voice.

“I am delighted and honored to have the freedom to explore our world as a film maker capturing everyday stories.”

-Debra Fulk

Our Expertise.

We provide complete digital solution.

Documentary Film Maker

We offer commercial, government, and private filming services in addition to being for-hire passionate Documentary filmmakers.

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Documentary Film Maker


Documentary Film Makers do not live for fame or fortune; filming a good story, especially one that will shed light on an overlooked situation, is their reward. And is exemplified by Debra Fulk, head of Q-Queen Productions based in Fredericksburg, VA, a scant 40 miles South of Washington D.C. and owned by Debra Fulk. They offer commercial, government, and private filming services in addition to being for-hire passionate Documentary filmmakers. No project is too large or too small for this versatile company that, while seeking Commercial, Government, and private filming, excels in making documentaries that focus on social issues that change the quality of life of those with no voice. Her passion for Videography blossomed during a U.S. Army tour in Iraq assigned as the unit historian where she filmed and edited the combat tasks performed by 70 soldiers, giving each a DVD. She is dedicated to showing the beauty, grace, strength, and enthusiasm of people.

Image Editing and Manipulation

Adobe Photoshop is a software application for image editing and photo retouching and offers users the ability to create, enhance, or otherwise edit images, artwork, and illustrations.

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Image Editing and Manipulation


Adobe Photoshop is a software application for image editing and photo retouching and offers users the ability to create, enhance, or otherwise edit images, artwork, and illustrations. Q-Queen Production, at your request, will use the program to take the red-eye out of 3-year-old Steven, add Uncle Fred to the picture in his absence, or eliminate the photo bomb joker that ruined the perfect group picture. We can take the grey out of Jackie's hair, change the color of Jacks' face, eliminate the powerlines that spoil the pristine view, or make a collage of the family. The use of Photoshop to enhance your photographs is an available procedure offered by this company and not used without request.

Production Assistance

Queen Productions skills has covered the full spectrum of film making in and outside the classroom. Debra Fulk has written 8 scripts, produced 5 short films of various genres.

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Production Assistance


Q-Queen Productions is based in Fredericksburg, VA, a scant 40 miles South of Washington D.C. and owned by Debra Fulk. She graduated from George Mason University with honors in Film and Video Studies. Her classes covered the full spectrum of film making and in and outside the classroom she has written 8 scripts, produced 5 short films of various genres, and is completing a documentary short of the tragedy filled young adult life of her recently passed 97-year-old Mother and participated in the making of four other film shorts. Well rounded, proven capable, willing, industrious, and imaginative, she brings the right blend to provide beneficial service to any producer or director. She brings maturity with a superb work ethic, sense of humor and is a team player.

Videography Services

We are equipped with the latest cameras, lens, and lighting to ensure that every picture is Eye-Popping!

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Videography Services


Q-Queen Productions is based in Fredericksburg, VA, a scant 40 miles South of Washington D.C. and owned by Debra Fulk. They specialize in sporting events, government and private celebrations (graduations & reunions), educational and traing films, and Ducumenytaries. Her passion for photography blossomed during a US Army tour in Iraq assigned as the unit historian filmed 70 soldiers and the combat tasks performed for a unit video. Upon return she completed her associate degree in photography and worked for four news agencies as a free-lance photojournalists, later compling her bachlors with homors in Fim and Video Studies. Her portraiture is to show the beauty, grace, strength, and enthusiasm of people and focus on social issues that change the quality of life of those that have no voice. We are equipped with the latest cameras, lens, and lighting to ensure that every picture is Eye-Popping!

Photography Services

We specialize in commercial business photography and video including branding, headshots, commercial and sporting events , food, products, editorial, and commercial exteriors/interiors, reunions, celebrations, and graduations.

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Photography Services


Q-Queen Productions is based in Fredericksburg, VA, a scant 40 miles South of Washington D.C. and owned by Debra Fulk. They specialize in commercial business photography and video including branding, headshots, commercial and sporting events , food, products, editorial, and commercial exteriors/interiors, reunions, celebrations, and graduations. Her passion for photography blossomed during a US Army tour in Iraq assigned as the unit historian photographed the combat tasks performed by the soldiers. Upon return she completed her associate degree in photography and worked for four news agencies as a free-lance photojournalists. Her portraiture is to show the beauty, grace, strength, and enthusiasm of people and focus on social issues that change the quality of life of those that have no voice. We are equipped with the latest cameras, lens, and lighting to ensure that every picture is Eye-Popping!

Our values give us the foundations

We’re a Full Service Digital Product Studio.