About us


Queen Productions is a Full-Service Documentary Company Specializing in Social Reform that spotlights distressed areas in our society and identifies and gives voice to those having no voice.

Artist Statement

I have always had love of capturing people through my lens the “Third Eye”

Having the ability to see and the privilege to often be front and center of an individual’s life regardless of what label they may wear or religion that is held, is a non issue in capturing the moments in their lives.  

As a film maker I’ve chosen to let this form of medium be my mouth piece, a mega phone, a witness to those that may not have a platform to express their views on various subjects. It is the moving picture that can provide impact, evoke emotions, add humor, pay homage to those that are no longer here; to fallen victims of war, a pandemic or just natural causes. My form of medium as a Documentarist serves as a Change agent, to raise awareness, a reminder, and to encourage a dialogue that may create new mind sets.

It will also provide a form entertainment concerning topics that may add humor, show romance and great news stories of success .

My medium will always showcase tasteful ethnically appropriate aesthetics, making good visual decisions of technique/application that compliment my subjects, bringing their stories to light in a impactful way.

I am delighted and honored to have the freedom to explore our world as a film maker capturing everyday stories.

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Debra Fulk


Debra Fulk



My Camera is my Third Eye. It often see’s that which Is not initially perceived. It transcends beyond a simple glance going deeper, often capturing more than I imagined. Third eye challenges me, pushes me, causing me to take risk, exploring new things, going into uncharted territories, exploring nature, discovering, studying, and understanding others. Resulting in appreciation for cultures and various races that are sometimes invisible to us. Third eye has played an integral role in my life that has put me on a forward path to endless possibilities. Producer, Director, Writer, Debra Fulk grew up in St. Louis, Mo, and now resides in Fredericksburg, VA. Her goal is to use her talents to film and release documentaries that focus on social issues that harm the quality of life of those that have no voice. Her first film experience was during her 15-month long tour in Iraq when assigned as the unit historian, she interviewed all soldiers of her engineer unit and filmed the dangerous task that each one performed. After 26 years as a soldier including 20 years taking college courses in 8 institutions, she is a senior at George Mason University. Following an Associate degree in photography, she attended Virginia Commonwealth University, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, and San Francisco State for film and video studies. She has written 7 short screenplays, directed 4 short films, one of which was a 12-minute Docudrama Tigress shown on the big screen, and a short video covering the US Army History Museum. Currently, she is writing and filming two 8-10-minute films, one a mixed genre Sci-Fi/comedy fiction film, Just Fourteen Dayz an entertaining film of a young woman’s’ journey as she encounters many obstacles along her path to discovering self-confidence; and, a documentary, Queen Devine, about the strength of the tragedy-filled portion of her young adult life suffered under Jim Crow law by her 97-year old mother. She is acknowledged in When Janey Comes Marching Home by Dr. Laura Browder for recruiting and scheduling interview subjects.


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Andrea L. Hughes

Assistant Producer for Queen Devine

Andrea L. Hughes

Assistant Producer for Queen Devine


Andrea Hughes, a film and editing producer, started with Nine Network in St. Louis. At the time she documented her travel overseas and filmed some local events through the Community Filmers Program offered by the public television station. A native to St. Louis is a visual artist and community activist in Old North St. Louis. She is an alum of Community Artist Training (CAT) an honorary program offered by St. Louis Regional Art Commission. A graduate of Neighborhood Leadership Academy began using art to improve underserved areas in her hometown. The visual artist currently curates the 14th Street Artist Community and is the president of Zuka Art Guild, a local group of diverse talented artist.


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Stephen Fulk

Executive Producer

Stephen Fulk

Executive Producer


Stephen Fulk, the Executive Producer is the team’s business manager. Steve is a retired airline executive, an encouraging pessimistic leader that maintains office levity and brings a wealth of business acumen to Q. Customers are comfortable asking him for project or event quotes followed by a simple, but complete contract or agreement as he found that better decisions are made before work starts rather at the end when hit by unexpected charges.


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Trina Love

Public Relations Manager

Trina Love

Public Relations Manager


Public Relations Manager Trina Love was born in Saint Louis, MO, lived in several states following her US Army mother and graduated from High School in Hawaii. She now resides in Fairfax, VA, where she is a Talk Show Host in Maryland, growing a wide following with her insightful and frank discussions. She is a sought-after keynote speaker, panel chair, or panel member for her “no holds barred” straightforward talks on domestic violence. As a fashion, travel, and eatery journalist, her easy-going manner allows her to obtain meaningful and entertaining interviews from NYC models, designers, show producers, and restaurateurs. She will assist Debra Fulk in making Queen Devine providing press releases, discussions with local citizens, and their impressions of making a movie in Clarksdale, MS.
